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mercredi 20 avril 2016

20.03.2015-Afro, Latin Parci-daily Praractice My-In May MusicI Salonu

20.03.2015-Afro, Latin Parci-daily Praractice My-In May MusicI Salonu 

ILOVEUOUN Pjer Jet Nirk - Harmonica dont own any of this my version with...

ILOVEUOUN Pjer Jet Nirk I dont own any of this my version with harmonica.*Harmonica,Ladislav&Z!!

Zeitgeist - laž pod prividom istine

Laž je vrlo aktivna. Sve pretvara u ništa. Ovo je posebno razvidno u praktičnom materijalizmu svih boja i takozvanoj znanosti, umjetnosti i moralu bez savjesti. Njihove strukture su njezine strukture i po svojoj naravi otuđuju svijet od Istine i Biti. I što se god on više udaljava od Krista postaje lažnijim, ništavnijim, užasnijim i neprijateljski samom sebi. Laž je ništa koje bi htjelo biti nešto ili netko. Ona je izravno suprotna Bogu koji JEST. Svaka je laž srodna u prvom koljenu s onom đavolskom: „Bit će te kao bogovi" (Post 3,5). Lažac se izravno suprotstavlja Bogu i njegovom djelu. On bi htio stvoriti novi svijet, nove vrijednosti i nove odnose. Ali, kako nije Bog, njegovo stvaranje iz ništa ostaje ništa. Tko laže niječe Boga, jer su Istina i logika utemeljeni na Božjoj biti. Upravo je stoga svaki lažac neznabožac i nevjernik. Svatko od nas može doći u napast da između sebe i Boga stavi zastor laži, a danas je laž običaj, obveza i moda do onog pravog otrežnjenja. Jer, gdje su svi odgovori jednom zauvijek podijeljeni, svi poslije postaju krivi ili lažni. Stoga je svako odbacivanje i jednog dijela Istine nijekanje cijele Istine i laž. Tada i šutnja postaje govor, nekad lažan, a nekad izdajnički. Postaje ubojica koja ubija ne samo onoga o kome se laže i kome se laže nego i onoga tko šutke sluša lažljivca. Za razliku od prošlosti, danas se siju laži na moderan način. Sve ideologije današnjice nisu ništa drugo nego poluistine ili umivene laži koje služe grupnom egoizmu. Upravo je laž mnogima u svim strukturama postala zanimanje. To su ljudi koji lažu svjesno, koji lažu naručeno, koji lažu neprestano i koji lažu vješto. Ostalih nema. Pritom zaboravljaju da i opće prihvaćena laž ne postaje time Istina. Ima i ovisnika koji uživaju u laži i pokvarenosti. Samo je čudno da država jednu drogu progoni, a drugu subvencionira, jer „glasoviti" su danas kolumnisti i pisci koji skupo prodaju svoje fekalije. Očigledno je da poliklinika „Svjetlost" ima pune ruke posla jer ljudi sve više gube vid čitajući crvena slova, a taman su se navikli na dioptriju za plava. Danas su laži malih ljudi zločinstva, a laži elite neprevarljive istine. Kad „sveti" lažu, onda je to „sveta" laž. Kad obični ljudi lažu, onda je to obična laž. Kad veliki lažu, onda je to velika laž. Kad političar laže, onda je to plan izlaska iz krize, a kad posvećena osoba laže, očito zaboravlja da je bludnost uma gora od bludnosti tijela. Političari, vlastodršci i naravno one čuvene grešne strukture kamenuju nas posuđenim lažima, jer oni uvijek „misle" na opće dobro kada govore o vlastitom. Obrću laž kao bankar novac. Kako takve navesti na moral, kad žive od laži i nemorala? Danas u politici jedva da ima nove laži, toliko su je kroz povijest usavršili. Samo je lažac nov, laž je uvijek stara. O kako nam je danas potrebno oslobođenje čovjeka, ali i oslobođenje pojmova. Dok se god ne izmjene naše glave, neće se promijeniti ni današnje društvo. Upravo se stoga u današnjem društvu ljudi dijele na one koji mogu govoriti što hoće i one koji uvijek imaju krivo, ako to prvo dovedu u pitanje. Stoga, svi lažu, malo ih je koji vise.P.S.U Video Se Govori O Ljudima Koji Ne Giraju Krista- Video Govori Istinu O Takvim Ljudima-Koji Prenose Laz i Ne Istine i Negiranje Biblije-Ocigledno Zivimo U posljednim Danima-Kada Se Priblizava-Kazna i Dolazak Isusa Krista-Pozdrav SVIMA!!_Uz Bozije Blagoslove!!

lundi 18 avril 2016

Hari Mata Hari-Koncert-K.C. Dražena Petrovića[HD]

Fatastic Concert))Thanks For Sherng!!!Hari Mata Hari-Koncert-K.C. Dražena Petrovića[HD]Hari Mata Hari-Koncert-K.C. Dražena Petrovića[HD]Full HD Official Video

Gosti:Zbor Arabeske,Armin Muzaferija,Ivana Banfić,Sandra Bagarić,Dražen Žerić-Žera
Copyright HRT 2008

Harmonium - Harmonium [Full Album]

.......Great Naice,Thanks For Shering...Harmonium - Harmonium (1974)

01. Harmonium 0:00
02. Si Doucement 6:36
03. Aujourd'hui, Je Dis Bonjour A La Vie 11:01
04. Vieilles Courroies 16:45
05. 100,000 Raisons 22:33
06. Attends-moi 26:18
07. Pour Un Instant 30:56
08. De La Chambre Au Salon 34:19
09. Un Musicien Parmi Tant D'Autres 40:01

DISCLAIMER: All rights belong to the respective owners, and I’m not profiting by publishing. No copyright infringement is intended. Fair use.

Harmonium - Si On Avait Besoin d'une Cinquième Saison [Full Album]

.......Great Naice,Thanks For Shering...!!Harmonium - Si On Avait Besoin d'une Cinquième Saison (1975) (http://www.discogs.com/artist/278807-...)

01. Vert 0:00
02. Dixie 5:34
03. Depuis l'Automne 9:00
04. En Pleine Face 19:29
05. Histoires Sans Paroles 24:19

Follow me on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/Progwizard-1...

DISCLAIMER: All rights belong to the respective owners, and I’m not profiting by publishing. No copyright infringement is intended. Fair use.

Christopher Cross The Definitive Christopher Cross

.......Great,Naice,Thanks for Shering...Christopher Cross The Definitive Christopher Cross

The Very Best Of Bread [Full Album]

Great Naice Album...Thanks For Shering....The Very Best Of Bread [Full Album]00:00 Everything I Own

03:08 Lost Without Your Love
06:05 Baby I'm Want You
08:31 Make It With You
11:44 Goodbye Girl
14:34 The Guitar Man
18:22 Aubrey
22:00 Take Me Now
25:24 If
28:00 It Dosn't To Me
30:52 Diary
34:00 Anyway You Want Me
37:08 Dismal Day
41:50 Let Your Love Go
45:43 Sweet Surrender
48:18 Too Much Love
51:07 He's A Good Lad
54:06 Mother Freedom

samedi 16 avril 2016

Robin Trower Bridge of Sighs

.......Great Naice,Album,Thanks For Shering!!!Robin Trower Bridge of Sighs))1."Day of the Eagle" -- 4:59

2."Bridge of Sighs" -- 5:05
3."In This Place" -- 4:28
4."The Fool and Me" (Trower, James Dewar) -- 3:57
5."Too Rolling Stoned" -- 7:29
6."About to Begin" -- 3:43
7."Lady Love" (Trower, James Dewar) -- 3:21
8."Little Bit of Sympathy" -- 4:20

Hölderlin - 1972 - Hölderlins Traum [Full Album, Remastered] HQ

Grat Naice Thnaks For Shering!!!Hölderlin - 1972 - Hölderlins Traum [Full Album, Remastered] HQ,A ravishing album, very folk, acoustic and dreamy with delicate, fragile female voices. This is their best and unique highly recommended effort they made. Celestial and floating kraut / folk music whose approach can be compared with Broselmaschine, Emtidi and others. "Waren Wir" is a magic, majectic, melancholic composition, very acoustic with desperate voices, lyrical passages and colourful "cosmic" improvisations for flute, keyboards and drums (at the end). "Peter" is a pleasant, dancing ballad for acoustic guitar and voices. An eastern flavour is sometimes added by the use of the sitar (in "Strohhalm"). We can also notice a subtle jazzy guitar touch, mainly improvised for long solo interludes. Specials guests as Walter Westrupp, Peter Bursch contribute to make this album an inspired progressive rock item with many acoustic ingredients added in a kind of fusion style. "Traum" can be highly recommended for every prog folk lovers. A very inspired effort that is hard to ignore!

This, in my opinion, underrated German progressive rock band has its roots in '63 when the brothers Joachim and Christian Grumbkow founded the rock-band The BEATKIDS and played covers from The BEATLES, The ROLLING STONES and The SHADOWS. In november '70 the brothers GRUMBKOW presented the name HÖLDERLIN (derived from a German romantic poet) after they had played with a sery of musicians mainly folk-rock covers (especially TRAFFIC), all layered with long instrumental improvisations. Then HÖLDERLIN got an invitation from a record company, this after only three months of their existence! The debut-album "Hölderlin's Traum" was released in '72 with a nine-piece line up, including female vocals and instruments like the Mellotron, Grand piano, violin, cello, sitar, tablas and flute. Their sound is a progressive blend of rock, jazz and folk. It sold 5000 copies and the LP is still a collector's item. But then the troubles began with their producer Rolf-Ulrich Kaiser (TANGERINE DREAM, KLAUS SCHULZE and WALLENSTEIN). He tried to force the band into a more cosmic approach ('LSD' inspired complained the band) and was not amused with the "more political oriented lyrics" as he analyzed.

It took almost three years with many juridical conflicts to get rid off the contract but eventually HÖLDERLIN won their case. Under the new name HOELDERLIN (in German the pronunciation of "oe" is the same as the "ö" and much easier to write or type) the second eponymous LP was released in 75. The band called their music 'romantic rock', it sounded more jazzy and it contained echoes from KING CRIMSON and GENESIS. HOELDERLIN toured through Scandinavia, Holland, Germany and Switzerland, got good reviews and radio - and tv-airplay. In '76 HOELDERLIN released the album entitled "Clowns and Clouds". The music consists of more complex rock with many theatrical and surrealistic elements. In '77 Christian had a mental breakdown, he could no longer combine the too busy work with the band and his family life (the upbringing of two children). He left and Spanish guitar player Pablo Weeber joined HOELDERLIN. In '77 they released the album "Rare Birds", a year later followed by the 2-LP "Hoelderlin Live Traumstadt". Soon after the unstable personality of Pablo led to his dismiss. "Traumstadt" got very good reviews, it even reached the German charts. Further releases were "New Faces" ('79) and "Fata Morgana" ('81), including new drummer Eduard Schicke, know from the progrock trio SCHICKE, FUHRS, FRÖHLING. These albums have a more accessible melodic rock approach.

Taken from
http://cuncunnama.blogspot.com/2014/0...Arcàngelo / ARC-7042 (2003)

1. Waren Wir
2. Peter
3. Strohhalm
4. Requiem Fur Einen Wicht
5. Erwachen
6. Wetterbericht
7. Traum