_OVAJ BLOGGER JE SAMO ZA NAMJENjEN isključivo Muzicki TREND_ROCKEN &EN; ROULA_I KULTURU ROCKA_S'Postovanjem Za One Koji Ce Ovo sam Pregledati Molim Uredne Komentare_Neuredne Brisem ! Ladislav !Na otvorenom susretu zajednice Nanovo rođeni Matija Šafran, održao je nagovor pod naslovom „Utjecaj glazbe na duhovnost”.na koji ga je Bog zamislio. “
lundi 27 juillet 2015
Dubrovački tramvaj
Ćiro - uskotračna pruga
Ćiro - uskotračna pruga
Schmalspurdampf im bosnischen Gebirge
Schmalspurdampf im bosnischen Gebirge
Najljepsa si znaj
Najljepsa si znaj
dimanche 26 juillet 2015
Air Supply - The Power Of Love
Air Supply - The Power Of Love
►♪♫٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶►♪♫Blessed Morning New Day bue Let us all-a great compliments from the heart-and thanks for visiting all of you-and thank you from the heart-welcome and fun-ugdna you enjoy it as well !!►♪♫٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶►♪♫
►♪♫٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶►♪♫Blessed Morning New Day bue Let us all-a great compliments from the heart-and thanks for visiting all of you-and thank you from the heart-welcome and fun-ugdna you enjoy it as well !!►♪♫٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶►♪♫
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