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dimanche 20 septembre 2015

Lowen & Navarro - Learning To Fall

..►♪♫٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶►♪_♫Great Naice ThanK<S!!Title track of Lowen & Navarro's new album "Learning To Fall", releasing in July 2008. In November 2007 Eric Lowen & Dan Navarro gathered 30 friends personally affected by the fatal, incurable, degenerative neuromuscular disease ALS, aka Lou Gehrig's Disease aka Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.

Eric Lowen himself was diagnosed with ALS in March, 2004. Half of those afflicted with ALS live three to five years after diagnosis, though some pass quicker and some live longer, like Stephen Hawking, who has survived over 45 years with the disease, though in a severe state of paralysis for the past 25. Eric is one of the lucky ones.

The group included PALS (People with ALS), family members, supporters and caregivers, joining voices in a song about hope, persistence and life as we know it. You'll see John Ondrasik of Five For Fighting and his family among the gathered friends. This video also is viewable on John's charitable website at the following link:

Every time you watch the video at that site, a donation is made to Augie's Quest, a charity dedicated to finding a cure for ALS.

Go to
http://www.lownav.com for more on Lowen & Navarro and the new album..►♪♫٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶►♪_♫.

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